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Feb 17, 2025

Term 3 - Lesson Plans - 6th to 12th Std - Tamil And English Medium


January 1st Week

6th - Lesson Plan - January 1st Week - English - Click Here

7th - Lesson Plan - January 1st Week - English - Click Here

8th - Lesson Plan - January 1st Week - English - Click Here

9th - Lesson Plan - January 1st Week - English - Click Here

January 3rd & 4th Week

6th - Lesson Plan - January 3rd & 4th Week - English - Click Here

7th - Lesson Plan - January 3rd & 4th Week - English - Click Here

8th - Lesson Plan - January 3rd & 4th Week - English - Click Here

9th - Lesson Plan - January 3rd & 4th Week - English - Click Here

January 4th Week - Tamil (Mr.Ganesh)

6th - Lesson Plan - January 4th Week - Tamil - Click Here

7th - Lesson Plan - January 4th Week - Tamil - Click Here

8th - Lesson Plan - January 4th Week - Tamil - Click Here

9th - Lesson Plan - January 4th Week - Tamil - Click Here

January 5th Week

6th - Lesson Plan - January 5th Week - English - Click Here

7th - Lesson Plan - January 5th Week - English - Click Here

8th - Lesson Plan - January 5th Week - English - Click Here

9th - Lesson Plan - January 5th Week - English - Click Here

February 1st Week - Tamil (Mr.Ganesh)

6th - Lesson Plan - February 1st Week - Tamil - Click Here

7th - Lesson Plan - February 1st Week - Tamil - Click Here

8th - Lesson Plan - February 1st Week - Tamil - Click Here

9th - Lesson Plan - February 1st Week - Tamil - Click Here

 February 2nd Week

6th - Lesson Plan -  February 2nd Week - English - Click Here

7th - Lesson Plan -  February 2nd Week - English - Click Here

8th - Lesson Plan -  February 2nd Week - English - Click Here

9th - Lesson Plan -  February 2nd Week - English - Click Here

 February 3rd Week

6th - Lesson Plan - February 3rd Week - English - Click Here

7th - Lesson Plan - February 3rd Week - English - Click Here

8th - Lesson Plan - February 3rd Week - English - Click Here

9th - Lesson Plan - February 3rd Week - English - Click Here

February 3rd Week - Tamil (Mr.Ganesh)

6th - Lesson Plan - February 3rd Week - Tamil - Click Here

7th - Lesson Plan - February 3rd Week - Tamil - Click Here

8th - Lesson Plan - February 3rd Week - Tamil - Click Here

9th - Lesson Plan - February 3rd Week - Tamil - Click Here

February 4th Week

6th - Lesson Plan - February 4th Week - English - Click Here

7th - Lesson Plan - February 4th Week - English - Click Here

8th - Lesson Plan - February 4th Week - English - Click Here

9th - Lesson Plan - February 4th Week - English - Click Here

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